Search Results

6951. Sturtevant, Rochelle, "The Effect of Nutrient Recycling on Ecosystem Stability"

6952. Sturges, Stephen with Graham Winch, "Computer Attack: The Role of Modeling in Development an Intergrated Securtiy Policy"

6953. Sterman, John D. with Rebecca Henderson, Eric Beinhocker and Lee I. Newman, "A Behavioural Analysis of Learning Curve Strategy"

6954. Sterman, John D. with Nelson Repenning, Rogelio Oliva, Elizabeth Krahmer, Scott Rockart and Andrew Jones, "The Improvement Paradox: Designing Sustainable Quality Improvement Programs"

6955. Sridharan, Sanjeev, "Can Vector- Autoregression Methodology Help in an Understanding of the Casual Dynamics of the Unemployment- Crime Relationships?"

6956. Sotaquira, G. Ricardo with Hugo Andrade and Lilia Nayibe Gelvez, "Organizational Design with System Dynamics and Radical Change Approach"

6957. Smits, Cyprian A. with E.J. Verroen, "A System Dynamics Model for Long Term Travel Demand Forecasting and Policy Analysis"

6958. Smith, Ricardo with Santiago Montoya, Carlos Jamie Franco and Issac Dyner, "Assessing the Dynamics of Energy Markets Under Liberalisation Process"

6959. Smith, Andrew with Allen Boorstein, "A Systemic Approach to System Dynamics Education: A Status Report"

6960. Sitompul, Rislima F. with Muhammad Tasrif, "A System Dynamics View of the Rural Community Development in Indonesia"

6961. Shawwash, Ziad K. with S.O. Dennis Russell, "Use of System Dynamics for Managing Water in Jordan"

6962. Shafto, Syvia A. with CJ Kalin and Michael G. Shafto, "Cognitive and Instructional Issues in System Modeling"

6963. Sedhi, Habib, "SYDIC- System Dynamics- Italian Chapter"

6964. Sedhi, Habib with Carmine Bianchi, "A Winery Dynamic Model for "Product Portfolio" Management"

6965. Santoni, Marco, "A Stimulation Model Behaviour of Innovative Companies"

6966. Sahara, Kanji with Kinya Machida, Nobuyuki Suzuki and A. Uchino, "Environmental Model of Atmosphere- from Japan Model to East Asian Companies"

6967. Ryan, Thomas, "A Peircian Framework for Using System Dynamics Modeling as an Inquiry System"

6968. Ruth, Matthias, "Exploring Spatio- Temporal Dynamics in Economic Exchange: A Dynamic Modeling Approach"

6969. Ruiz Usano, Rafael with Jose Manuel Framinan Torres, Adolfo Crespo Marquez and Ricardo Zubiria de Castro, "System Dynamics and Discrete Stimulation in a Constant Work-in-Process System: A Comparative Study"

6970. Rouwette, Etienne with Jac Vennix, "The Influence of Group Model Building on Policy Intentions"

6971. Rothman, Johanna, "Applying Systems Thinking to the Issues of Software Product Development"

6972. Root, Gus with Grant McGriffin, "They will Learn what They See Others Doing"

6973. Roos, Egbert, "System Dynamics Modeling: A Case Study from the Software Product Development"

6974. Rodrigues, Alexandre J.G. with Terry Williams, "System Dynamics in Software Project Management: Towards the Development of a Formal Integrated Framework"

6975. Rodrigues, Alexandre J.G. with Terry Williams, "System Dynamics in Project Management: Assesing the Impacts of Client Behavior in Project Management"

6976. Rios, Jose Perez with Markus Schwaninger, "Integrative Systems Modeling: Leveraging Complementarities of Qualitative and Quantitative Methodologies"

6977. Repenning, Nelson, "Modeling the Failure of Productivity Improvement Programs"

6978. Reichelt, Kimberly S. with James M. Lyneis and Carl G. Bespolka, "Calibration Statistics: Selecting a Statistic and Settling a Standard"

6979. Qu, Weishhuang with Gerald O. Barney and Jos Verbeek, "RMSM-X in Vensim: Refining the Financial Sector of the Threshold 21 National Development Model"

6980. Piatelli, Mauro with Nicola Bianchi and Luca Minna, "Note on Conceptual Distance in Simulation using the Polls Model as a Basis for Discussion"

6981. Park, Hun-Joon with Jimwoo Kim, Kuen S. Yi and Kiho Jun, "Enhancing the Performance in Dynamic Decision Making: The Adaptive Model Reconstruction Using Feedforward vs. Feedback Decision Strategy"

6982. Parayno, Phares P., "Poverty-Environment Links in the Philippines"

6983. Oliva, Rogelio, "Empirical Validation of a Dynamic Hypothesis"

6984. Moxnes, Erling, "Stochastic Optimization in Policy Space Using Simulation Models"

6985. Moxnes, Erling, "Crisis Management of a Renewable Resource"

6986. Morita, Michiya with Nobuhide Tanaka, Yutaka Takahashi and Toru Higuchi, "Linkage Structure and Trade-offs of Competitive Measures"

6987. Morecoft, John, "A Behavioral Model of Diversification and Performance in a Mature Industry"

6988. Moon, Tae Hoon with Deuk Jong Bae, Doa Hoon Kim and Dong Whan Kim, "Comparing Strategies for Building Korean Information Infrastructure Using a System Dynamic Model"

6989. Mollona, Eduardo, "The Dynamics of Organizational Heuristics and Biases in Corporate Strategy"

6990. Mojtahedzadeh, Mohammad with David F. Andersen, "Assessing the System-wide Impacts of Automated Voice Response Customer Service Technologies"

6991. Moizer, Jonathan D., "Safely Knowledge and its Influence over Accidents in the Workplace"

6992. Milling, Peter, "A Management Stimulator to Support Group Decision Making in a Corporate Gaming Environment"

6993. Mayberry, Matt with Kent Hoxsey, Kerry McCracken and Carl Rendell, "Using Systems Thinking and Dynamics Simulations to Reengineer Manufacturing Processes at Silicon Graphics"

6994. Mashayekhi, Ali N., "Oscillation in Preventitive Maintenance Programs"

6995. Mandal, Purnendu with Amrik S. Sohal, "Understanding Long Term Interactions in Fabricated Metal Manufacturing Industry: A Case"

6996. Mandal, Purnendu with Amrik S. Sohal, "Modeling Quality Improvement Processes"

6997. Maliapen, Mahendran with Ram Ramasehan and M. Quaddus, "System Dynamics Approach to Marketing Modeling in the Airline Industry"

6998. Maier, Frank, "Substitution Among Successive Product Generations- An Almost Neglected Problem In Innovation Diffusion Models"

6999. Maier, Frank with Juergen Strohhecker, "Do Management Flight Simualtors Really Enhance Decision Effectiveness?"

7000. Madwed, Albert, "Systems Thinking for K-12 Teachers: A New Course at the Graduate School of Education and Allied Professions, Fairfield University"