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The Maryland Citizens Against State Executions (Maryland or MD CASE) Records contain documents from over 25 groups and 1,300 individuals that united to help successfully end the death penalty in Maryland in 2013 through education, grassroots action, and public demonstration. The collection consists of correspondence, meeting minutes, legislation, lobbying materials, subject files, special event and conference materials, case files and clippings.
The materials were gathered by Ms. Matos from marches, protests, and rallies of U.S. social movements and organizations which promote social justice, peace, human rights, revolution, socialism, and anti-imperialism, and other causes. The collection consists of monographs, pamphlets, periodicals, posters, and miscellaneous ephemera.
Michael Meltsner is a prominent lawyer and civil rights activist. Meltsner is also an opponent of the death penalty. The collection contains assorted capital punishment materials including clippings, journal articles, correspondence and files used in writing the death penalty chapters of Michael Meltsner's book, The Making of a Civil Rights Lawyer.
Michael A. Mello (1957-2008) was an internationally recognized authority on the death penalty and capital punishment issues. He was a lawyer, professor, and author. Michael Mello served as counsel or informal advisor to many significant cases, including Joseph Robert Crazy Joe Spaziano, Theodore Kaczynski, Theodore Bundy, Rolando Cruz, Alvin Ford, Stephen Todd Booker, and Robert Straight.
The collection contains the records from Michael Robert McNulty's tenure as a U.S. Representative from New York from 1989 to 2009. He served in Congress for 10 terms and was a member of the House Ways & Means Committee, where he was chairman of the Subcommittee on Social Security. He chose not to run for reelection in 2008.
The Michelle Crone Papers document her experience as a feminist and lesbian activist from the early 1980s until the mid-1990s. The collection includes material from here position as National Civil Disobedience Coordinator for the 1987 National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights, and as a member of the Executive Committee for the 1993 March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay, and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation. Also present are records from Michelle Crone's management of a number of women's festivals from 1982 to 1996—most notably Rhythm Fest and the Cultural Festival at Gay Games IV—and records from her Capital District production company, Elword Productions. The collection also includes the records from her experience with the Seneca Women's Encampment for a Future of Peace and Justice, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, and the National Lesbian Conference. Also included are her personal correspondence, records of her undergraduate studies with the theater and women's studies programs at the University at Albany, SUNY, and political literature from a number of progressive causes at the national and local levels.
Includes autograph letters and signed documents of John Jacob Astor, Erskine Caldwell, Richard Cobden, Charles Cornwallis, DeWitt Clinton, Jefferson Davis, Albert Einstein, Richard J. Gatling, Horace Greeley, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Eugene Ionesco, Andrew Jackson, Ferdinand de Lesseps, Amy Lowell, Arthur Pinero, Ezra Pound, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, Sir Walter Scott, George Bernard Shaw, Charles Sumner, Horatio Seymour, Edwin M. Stanton, William Howard Taft, Daniel D. Tompkins, William B. Yeats, and others.
The Murder Victims' Families for Reconciliation Records document the organization's efforts to abolish the death penalty in all cases. The organization includes family members of both homicide victims and those executed as well as their respective supporter. Included in the collection are handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, brochures, booklets, programs, information packets, photographs, flyers, proofs, drafts, manuscripts, correspondence, memos, transcripts, mailing lists, schedules, meeting agenda, meeting minutes, meeting summaries, by-laws, manuals, checklists, worksheets, evaluation forms, resumes, applications, forms, financial summaries, budgets, contracts, court proceedings, legislative bills, amici curiae, memorabilia, audio/video materials.
The M. Watt Espy papers chronicle the extensive research efforts that led to the creation of the Capital Punishment Research Project and the database known as the Espy File. Espy spent three decades gathering and indexing documentation of legal executions in the United States. His papers contain both primary and secondary sources used to catalog thousands of instances of capital punishment in the United States and its territories since the 1600s. The collection includes material from corrections records, newspapers, county histories, legal proceedings, and books. In addition to the records pertaining specifically to the death penalty, there is also a selection of magazines collected by Espy that cover true crime stories as well as life in the American Old West.
The papers of Nancy Papish document her involvement with Clearwater, North River Friends of Clearwater (NRFC), and the campaign to stop Hydro-Quebec's development plan for James Bay. These papers document the environmental activism of Nancy Papish from the 1970s through the 1990s. Included are meeting minutes, notes, mailings, press releases, news clippings, magazine articles, programs, and publications. The Clearwater files contain near-complete runs of newsletters produced by both NRFC and the parent Clearwater organization. Evidence of NRFC's outreach activities is found in a slide show titled "This Is Clearwater" and numerous poster displays. Documentation of Clearwater's organization and administration, such as meeting minutes, internal reports, and committee files, are almost entirely absent. There is little information about the membership of Clearwater. The James Bay files contain materials from several organizations.
Since 1976 the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty has been working to educate the public about the failings and inconsistencies of capital punishment in the United States. Founded after the Gregg v. Georgia Supreme Court decision in 1976, the NCADP has emerged as one of the more influential national anti-death penalty organizations. The collection contains the group's internal case files, administrative material, publications, petitions, photographic materials, video tapes, and audio cassettes.
The New York State chapter of NOW aims to bring women into full participation in the mainstream of American society in order to exercise all privileges and responsibilities in an equal partnership with men. Working close with the Senate, political candidates,other women organizations, and community activists, NOW-NYS members work to defend women from inequality.
The records of the New York State Conference of Local Mental Hygiene Directors trace the development of mental healthcare throughout the state from the early 1950s through the beginning of the twenty-first century. Established in the mid-1970s, the Conference's records include correspondence, memos, meeting minutes, reports, and manuals that chronicle the efforts of mental health professionals as they encourage local, county, and state agencies to provide quality, affordable services for persons living with mental illness, chemical dependency, and/or developmental disability.
The Public Employees Federation (PEF) was founded in 1979 to represent members of the Professional, Scientific, and Technical (PS&T) bargaining unit of New York State. PS&T employees had formerly been represented by CSEA, the state's largest public employee union. PEF founders believed that the concerns of the PS&T unit were not adequately represented by CSEA, the majority of whose members were non-professional state employees. PEF's stated mission is to "provide the leadership necessary for PEF members to achieve employment security, higher wages, better working conditions, and improved retirement benefits." Materials in this collection document PEF activities at both the state and division level. There is extensive coverage of executive board activities from 1978 through mid-2000, annual conventions, committee meetings, and contract negotiations. Also included are files for PEF Division 169, PEF's Environmental Conservation Division. These include correspondence, agendas and minutes for labor/management meetings, material on committees, and administrative files. This collection also documents the activities of reform groups and political parties within PEF (most notably, the Statewide Coalition for a Democratic Union) and PEF's relationships with its national affiliates, the Service Employees International Union and the American Federation of Teachers. Particularly strong is the collection of bulletin board postings, which includes almost everything posted on Division 169 PEF bulletin boards from 1979 through 2000. There are also official PEF publications, including a near-complete run of PEF's official monthly newsletter to members, The Communicator.
Established in 1968 to assist clinical social workers in performing their duties, the New York State Society for Clinical Social Work (NYSSCSW) offers professional support to its members in the practice of clinical psychotherapy. The collection documents the founding, administration, and activities of the NYSSCSW and its various local chapters.
The New York StateWide Senior Action Council records document the issues faced by senior citizens in New York State over the course of almost three decades. The bulk of the records consist of subject files in the areas of health care, Medicare, and social security issues. In addition to topical material, these records document the fundraising activities of the organization and its various sub-groups. Notably included are publications issued by the organization, including the Sentinel newsletter (1992-1996) and the Senior Action newspaper (1977-1991). The bulk of the material, found in the subject files, is useful for documenting issues about which NYSSAC was active. NYSSAC's work with New York state legislators, as well as government and private agencies in advocating for seniors and social justice issues, and their outreach efforts in education and advocacy, are well documented throughout the collection. Records of the activities of Executive Directors Michael Burgess and Bonnie Ray are the most prominent in the collection.
The Norman Studer Papers document his career as both an educator and ardent Catskill folklorist. The collection includes significant material relating to his work as director of the Downtown Community School in New York City and Camp Woodland in the Catskills.
Records of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and its predecessors. Materials include administrative correspondence, committee and task force meeting materials, planning documentation, and assorted reports, all relating to issues of diversity, inclusion, equal employment, and discrimination.
This collection consists of video and audio acquired by the Office of Educational Television and Public Broadcasting, Office of Cultural Education, New York State Education Department containing various programs that were created by or in collaboration with public broadcasting stations around the state.
This collection contains inactive records from the Office of Graduate Education (previously called the Office of Graduate Studies), which is responsible for the administration of graduate programs at the University.
Contains records from the Office of Information Systems and Technology, which oversaw Computing Services, the Educational Communication Center, the University Libraries, and other information services on campus. The collection includes administrative correspondence, planning documentation, budget materials, and other administrative records.
Contains records from the Office of Student Involvement, and its predecessor offices: the Office of Student Life and the Office of Campus Life. Materials in the collection address the administration of student activities on campus, including student group policies and event planning.
State University of New York at Albany. Office of the Director of the Physical Plant
The collection consists of the records of the University at Albany's Director of the Physical Plant. The records document the administrative functions of the office and the maintenance of the University's building, grounds, motor pool and power plant.
State University of New York at Albany. Division of University Advancement
This collection contains records from the Office of University Advancement which oversaw development and public events programs. Also includes records from subordinate offices, including the Community Events Office. Materials include financial records, commencement and inauguration planning documentation, and task force records.
State University of New York at Albany. Office of University Relations
Contains records form the Office of University Relations and its predecessors, including the Office of Public Relations and Office of Community Relations.
This collection contains the Preservation League of New York State's official newsletters, annual reports, materials for and from its annual awards ceremony, correspondence, various publications and manuals created by its members, grant materials, directories of members and preservation programs and organizations, and a timeline of the Preservation League's history ranging from 1975-2002.
The Raymond Falconer Papers document Falconer's work in the fields of atmospheric science and meteorology, as well as his time at the Atmospheric Science Research Center (ASRC).
The bulk of the collection consists of Bendix' writings and the materials used by him for research purposes as well as for his courses in political and social sciences. This includes a large volume of materials on Max Weber, social stratification, power and authority, bureaucracy, industrialization and large-scale organizations. Bendix' files contain correspondence dealing with his career at the University of California, Berkeley and include materials pertaining to controversies at the university and within the Department of Sociology, as well as student issues and recommendations. Also present in the collection are a number of files dealing with individuals and issues connected with both the American Sociological Association and the International Sociological Association.
Death penalty abolitionist who worked with many anti-death penalty organizations, capital defense attorneys, representatives of various communities of faith, newspaper editorial boards, victims' rights groups, members of the families of the condemned, and many death row inmates throughout the country.
This collection includes materials created or collected during Robert (Bob) Gross' work with the organizations National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty and Journey of Hope...from Violence to Healing as well as the Lighting the Torch of Conscience initiative.
Contains records from the Public Service Workshops Program (formerly called the Public Service Training Program), a professional development program administered by the Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy under contract with the New York State Governor's Office of Employee Relations. Includes progress reports, committee records, and course materials.